James Morris Nachlin

Only Compute.

I am a professional product manager, systems administrator, software developer and bicycle security consultant. I recently worked at Gawker, as a systems administrator, and have consulted there on and off since back when the whole thing was running on two servers. Previously, I worked at Six Apart, developing social content management systems and custom web sites, and Caffry's, a nascent financial data firm. I was a perl developer at About.com, and worked on a social playlisting project called Webjay, within Yahoo! Music, where I oversaw all aspects of integrating the project into the larger Yahoo! Music platform and vision. At Buzzfeed I designed and built a project to track trends by analyzing text from blogs. I am also the creator of garbagescout.


Please contact me by emailing 'inquiry' at this domain name, nachlin.com.


I still share photos on flickr. You can look at my bookmarks to see what I'm bookmarking.

I'm also on Linkedin and Facebook, if you are in to those things.

Friends with web sites:

Kevin Anglim is a photographer, art teacher, cross-country coach, and generally strange person living in Amberg in Bavaria.

If you are in Vienna and need a massage, go to my friend Rene Saffarnia's place, Wohlergehen, at 26 Seidengasse.

Lucas Gonze blogs about the future of the music business. He was the creator of Webjay, the seminal social playlisting web site. He lives in San Francisco, of course.

David Galbraith writes about a wide range of topics from his home in suburban Geneva (as if Geneva weren't bad enough).